The temperature of an object will (partly) determine how much energy is released by electromagnetic radiation—the hotter the object, the higher the amount of energy released. This means that the hotter the object, the higher the frequency. Amplitude (intensity) also increases, meaning the object releases more and more photons in both low frequencies and high.
An object that is not very hot will release a small number of photons at a low wavelength (such as infrared). An object that is extremely hot will still release a small number of photons at low wavelengths, but will also release many, many more photons at much higher wavelengths. If an object gets hot enough, it will produce visible light waves. And if it gets even hotter, it can produce radiation in UV, X-rays, and gamma.
You can think of infrared waves as a baseline: the particles in almost all objects move fast enough to produce infrared waves; some objects have even faster moving particles and so produce infrared and higher wavelengths. The objects around you that are not hot enough to glow are only producing infrared waves. Cooler objects, such as a table or cardboard box, are producing infrared waves in the “far” part of the infrared spectrum. Hotter objects, like your body, produce infrared waves in the “near” part of the infrared spectrum. “Far” and “near” refer to how close the wavelength is to the visible part of the spectrum. Objects in “far” infrared have very low wavelengths and are probably quite cool. Objects in the “near” infrared have high wavelengths and are closer in temperature to objects hot enough to glow.
Using an infrared camera, you might only see “hot” objects, such as human bodies, but infrared cameras are calibrated so that you see objects that are in the near infrared. The bodies will look the hottest because they are emitting near infrared, the table and cardboard box and room will look cooler, and the woods outside will look like they don’t emit infrared waves at all. They are just emitting infrared at the far end of the infrared spectrum.